RCC Steel Slab High Production

RCC steel slab : Iran Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (Imidro) published the quarterly performance of steel ingot producer, according to which slabs have the highest production. According to ISNA, according to the published statistics, the highest production volume of 2 million 241 thousand 20 tons in April and May 1400 is allocated to slabs, followed by steel billet with a production of 1 million 456 thousand 854 tons. . Is in second place. Khorasan Steel as the largest producer of steel products in the country in April and May 2000 thousand 766 tons and billet production and also Khuzestan Steel as the largest producers of steel slabs 38 thousand 327 tons, 20 thousand 666 tons steel billets and 36 thousand 3000 Toman. Produce 3 tons of bloom.In the first two months of this year, Isfahan Steel Company has succeeded in producing 171,524 tons of billets and 248,377 tons of bloom. During the mentioned period of this year, Kaveh South Steel 289 thousand and 747 tons, Chadormelo Mining and Industrial Company in its sub-unit (Chadormelo Steel) 204 thousand and 609 tons, Sirjan Steel 172 thousand and 234 tons, Arfa Iron and Steel Company 158 thousand and 911 Ton, the Middle East Mines and Mining Industries Development Company has produced 134,240 tons of steel billets in its subsidiary company (Bardsir Steel) and 78,746 tons of Bonab Steel.

RCC Steel Slab High Production

How to Calculate Steel in RCC Slab?

How to Calculate Steel in RCC Slab? Analytical article: The amount of reinforcement required in slabs, foundations and columns Calculate the amount of steel reinforcement for concrete slabs, foundations, columns, beams, etc .; It is an important part of evaluating construction costs. From design drawings as the calculation of reinforcement in members of various structures. Calculate the amount of reinforcement per slab 1. Obtain the slab composition and reinforcement details from the profile design drawings shown in Figure 1. 2. Number of steel reinforcements. The main armatures Calculate the required amount of reinforcement in slabs, foundations and columns Thermal reinforcement The amount of reinforcement required in the slab, foundation and column against a distance from the center to the center of the main reinforcement is used and the distance of the thermal reinforcement is used in Equation Two.

Using RCC Steel Slab for Roof

Using RCC Steel Slab for Roof Steel slab for roof an RCC steel uses: concrete slab (French: Dalle) is a structural member of modern buildings. In many residential and industrial buildings, when building a ground floor, the foundation or subsoil is used as a support for thick concrete slabs. In high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, a roof of floors is made by placing thin prefabricated concrete slabs between steel frames. In technical drawings, “r.c.slab” or “.r.c” is used briefly to indicate reinforced concrete slabs.Application of beams and blocks in buildings: Beams and blocks are used to cover the roofs of brick and steel frame buildings and reinforced concrete structures. Beams and blocks are considered as one-sided slabs. In this type of roof, very light hollow (hollow) concrete or clay blocks or foam are used to fill the roof to reduce the dead load. The distance between the beams in this roof is 50 cm.

Wholesale RCC Steel Slab Distributors

Wholesale RCC Steel Slab Distributors Steel slab products : Steel sheets are among the key and basic products in the industries of any country, and accordingly, slabs, as the raw material of sheet production, become of undeniable value and importance in steel chains. Over the past years, Faratarh Steel Company has played a significant role in the growth of the supply chain of steel products such as flat hot rolled sheets, hot rolled sheets and downstream products such as cold and galvanized sheets by supplying slabs in the form of various partnerships and contracts. Among the concentrated and fruitful collaborations in this field, cooperation with Auxin Khuzestan Steel Company in the company of supplying slabs has been required, which made Farartarah Steel Company a significant effect on the growth of this field of the country’s industry and downstream industries.


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