Hot Briquetted Iron Wholesale Price

The hot briquette iron chart is actually the same as sponge iron (directly reduced iron). There are differences in the production process around the world, but in the production process, the briquettes are compressed compared to sponge iron.

hot briquetted iron

Sponge iron balls can be divided into three categories. Hot sponge iron, cold sponge iron, and soft sponge iron. Today, briquettes are widely used in steel mills around the world. Production reasons Despite all its advantages, sponge iron also has disadvantages. One of the suggested ways to reduce these disadvantages is to compress and make briquettes with snuff iron. Some reasons to make snuff for briquettes are: Sponge iron is a porous material. This results in a lower weight per volume unit. Its transportation is prohibitive. hot briquetted iron Again, due to its porous structure, sponge iron is highly flammable. This means that iron sponges can spontaneously ignite. There are problems with its transport and maintenance. This leads to strict standards to be considered for its sea transport. sponge iron has a high oxidation potential. The resulting iron oxide reduces the efficiency of the steelmaking process. The mechanical strength of sponge iron is low. During transport and charging to the furnace, it is possible to pulverize it and turn it into small particles. These particles are ejected from the furnace as dust during charging, reducing efficiency. In addition, the resulting dust can damage other equipment. From the above case, it is clear that one of the ways to reduce the porosity of sponge iron is to compress it. Production of Sponge Iron by the Midrex Process This method is one of the most used production methods in Iran and the world. In this method, natural gas enters a gas fracturing unit. It is then converted into hydrogen and carbon thanks to the heat and special catalysts. This hydrogen and carbon then go into a furnace called a regeneration furnace where we put the iron ore pellets and combine with the oxygen in the iron ore pellets to regenerate the iron ore. This method is the least consuming and most effective method in Iran and the world. About 80% of the sponge iron in Iran is produced in this way. Later there is the HYL method, but there are problems with large power consumption and large capacity. Therefore, Iran does not use the HYL method and the coal-based method. 66.3% of the world’s crude steel is produced by the blast furnace method, and 31.2% of the crude steel is produced by the direct regeneration method and the electric furnace method. While the majority of the world’s crude steel production is produced by the blast furnace process, the following scenarios justify the use of direct reduction and electric furnaces: Sponge iron ball This method is faster due to the use of scrap iron. The cost of setting up a blast furnace unit is higher than that of a direct regeneration unit and an electric furnace of similar capacity. hot briquetted iron price

hot briquetted iron price

The blast furnace method has more environmental limitations than the direct regeneration method. The quality of sponge iron is higher than pig iron. Large capacity blast furnaces (at least 1.5 million tons per year) are more economically justifiable, while direct regeneration can be used for economically justified small steel mills. Sponge iron can be converted to hot block iron (HBI) for easy handling or storage. If the briquettes as blast furnace feed are difficult to transport. For the direct regeneration process, natural gas can be used without removing its impurities. Types of sponge iron balls Sponge iron ball is one of the consumables for the steel making unit. The briquettes are divided into hot briquettes and cold briquettes according to the temperature of the sponge iron during construction. In cold briquetting, the material entering the machine is at ambient temperature. The input material type in this method can be soft sponge iron or sponge iron. In hot briquetting, operations are carried out at temperatures above 650 degrees Celsius. The sponge iron made by this method is more suitable for transport and safety. It is a form of iron fungus. It is pressed at temperatures above 650 degrees Celsius. Its density exceeds 5,000 kg per cubic meters. HBI was created to solve some of the problems with sponge iron, such as shipping. The hot sponge iron briquettes have less porosity, which makes them less prone to oxygen binding and self-ignition. Spontaneous combustion is one of the problems with sponge iron during storage and transport. The main market for HBI is arc furnaces made of steel, but it is also used in BOF furnaces and blast furnaces. cold iron ball Cold briquettes are produced at ambient temperature. One of the important advantages of cold production of sponge iron pellets is that some alloys can be added according to the customer’s order to change the properties of the sponge iron. Soft sponge iron ball Fungal particles smaller than 6 mm are called soft fungi. The presence of these particles reduces the efficiency of the steelmaking furnace. One of the measures taken to improve the efficiency of the furnace and use auxiliary materials is to separate the soft sponge iron and convert it into briquettes. In this method, the soft sponge iron produced in direct reduction and steelmaking plants is separated and compressed in a briquetting machine with lime and silicate gel. turn into briquettes. These briquettes are used in arc furnaces. sponge iron ball price Sponge iron balls do not have many of the shortcomings of sponge iron, but due to the cost of transportation and briquetting of sponge iron, the price is naturally higher than that of sponge iron. sponge iron compact, on the other hand, moves in bulk like sponge iron. hot briquetted iron around the world

hot briquetted iron around the world

hot briquetted iron and The briquette are of pieces of equipment that have many applications in the steel industry. Artisans can make briquettes with some movement and compression on products such as sponge iron, iron filings, folds, etc. These products are divided into three categories based on process type and temperature, which are:

  • Hot sponge iron ball
  • Soft sponge iron ball
  • Cold sponge iron ball

The properties of the briquette make it useful in a number of different steel industries. If in some cases it is difficult to transport sponge iron, craftsmen will make it into briquettes so that they can easily use the product in large furnaces. Another characteristic of briquettes is that they can be easily stored; the use of this product makes the storage mechanism easier and protects against fire and oxidation in all weather conditions. The briquetting process is divided into two types: cold briquettes, hot briquettes and soft briquettes, which we will explain separately below. hot briquettes In hot briquettes, the product is produced at temperatures above 650 degrees Celsius, the most well-known briquettes among players in the steel market. cold briquettes In cold briquetting, the input material enters the briquetting machine at ambient temperature and the product is produced according to the type of input material. soft briquettes The soft sponge iron ball is used in the direct reduction unit of the steelmaking furnace, which is small in size, low in efficiency and large in loss. Characteristics of briquettes One of the properties of the briquette is that additives such as carbon and alloying elements can be added; therefore, it can have many uses. Among the most important uses of briquettes, the following can be mentioned:

  • Reduce coke consumption and improve blast furnace metal load quality
  • Replacement of scrap in induction and arc furnaces
  • Alloy steel can be produced due to very low content of carbon and impurities
  • available for minerals
  • Can be used in steel production

hot briquetted iron process

hot briquetted iron process

The advantages of using sponge iron balls are: Since this product is more compact than sponge iron, it takes up less space. It is easier to store and transport. Sponge iron balls can be stored for a long time to prevent fire and oxidation. The difference between sponge iron and briquettes So far we have discussed the difference between sponge iron and briquettes and explained the functions and uses of each. The briquettes are actually sponged iron (Direct Reduced Iron); the difference is that it is made of a compressed iron sponge. As previously mentioned, briquettes can be divided into three categories. There are different types of briquettes, including:

  • hot briquettes
  • soft briquettes
  • cold briquettes

But there are several ways to make sponge iron, including the following:

  • thermal coal
  • natural gas
  • Midrex

As we said, each of these products serves its own purpose. It is true that briquettes and sponge iron are the same at first glance; but from what we have said, each of these products has special features and can be used for different purposes.

  • Briquettes are easy to store and can also be combined with other alloying elements such as carbon; iron sponge does not have this ability.
  • The cost of building a briquette production line is high and every manufacturer may not be able to afford it.
  • There is no scrap in sponge iron, it acts as a coolant in the furnace.
  • The structure of sponge iron is such that when it is combined with steel, its percentage of impurities increases.
  • Another difference between sponge iron and briquettes is that sponge iron has many pores, so it is not economical to transport this product.
  • The oxidation potential of sponge iron is high, so the production efficiency is reduced.
  • Sponge iron has low mechanical strength and can splinter during transport and even charging.

hot briquetted iron manufacturers

hot briquetted iron manufacturers

The steel industry is one of the industries where briquette technology is widely used, which can be used for coal briquetting, coke briquetting and sponge iron briquetting. Sponge iron balls are products used by many steel making units in the world. The sponge iron briquetting process is divided into two groups of hot and cold briquettes according to the temperature of the sponge iron entering the briquetting machine. Below, these two processes will be reviewed. 1- Cold briquetting During cold briquetting, the input material enters the briquetting machine at ambient temperature. In this process, two products are known, namely soft sponge iron balls and chilled iron and carbon balls (CBIC), depending on the type of material fed to the machine. 1-1- Soft sponge iron ball In the steel industry, as in any other industry, the optimal use of auxiliary materials has a special place. In a direct reduction unit, a small amount of sponge iron is typically produced, and due to its small size (less than 6 mm), feeding it directly to the steelmaking furnace reduces production efficiency and increases losses. In this way, soft sponge iron briquettes and their product “soft sponge iron briquettes (CBI)” are used as a conventional solution for optimal utilization of the by-products from direct regeneration plants. Due to the limited production of soft sponge iron in the direct reduction unit (less than 10% of that in the direct reduction unit) and the limited capacity of the briquetting unit, this material is usually used in steelmaking units adjacent to the direct reduction unit. In other words, this product was never considered a commercial product in the world market due to its limited production and its poor performance compared to other members of the sponge iron family. hot briquetted iron size

hot briquetted iron size

2-1- Cold sponge iron ball The world’s largest direct reduction plant is the manufacturer of chilled sponge iron (CDRI). The inherent properties of sponge iron, such as high specific surface area, low oxidation, and abrasion resistance, and poor mechanical properties, make the storage and transport of this product always accompanied by risks and challenges. That is why the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has formulated strict rules. Therefore, storing and transporting sponge iron is considered too expensive and risky. In this way, recognizing this problem and the unbalanced capacity of direct recycling and steelmaking units active in the country in different seasons. our Company seeks to provide the country with a solution to this problem, entering the global sponge iron and briquette product market and invented cold iron carbon (CBIC) as a new product in the sponge iron industry. CBIC is a product made from chilled sponge iron in a briquetting process which is known to be stored and transported in the direct recycling industry due to its inherent properties such as high density and mechanical strength and acceptable chemical stability. 2- Heat the briquette Hot Sponge Iron Briquette (HBI) is a product made from Hot Sponge Iron (HDRI) in the briquetting process at temperatures above 650 degrees Celsius. This briquette is the world’s best-known product for facilitating the safe transport of sponge iron. hot briquetted iron size

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