galvanized steel sheet price list in India and other neighboring countries

Factories in Asia, especially in India and other neighboring countries, continue to raise the price chart of the galvanized steel sheet with the rising trend of the world steel market.

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This week, the price of Indian galvanized sheet cargo rose by US$15-25/ton, depending on the destination, and the transaction price was US$750-760/ton FOB. Market participants believe that the price of the galvanized sheet may increase by another $20-25 next week after the global market expects an upward trend.

Indian galvanized sheet is being offered at $750-760 per ton FOB this week, up $10 per week. Major manufacturers of galvanized sheets in India, Bhushan, and Essar Steel, were able to sell large quantities of the galvanized sheet at $760 per tons FOB. In addition, a contract for small lots of sheet metal was sold at around $750-760 per ton FOB as some customers were prepared to accept such prices to fill their stocks.

Offer prices for galvanized sheets to Vietnam are around USD 750-760 per ton, an increase of USD 20 per ton on average this week. Customers mainly insist that the galvanized price is about 750-760 dollars per piece. ton, while the transaction price for the Chinese galvanized sheet in Vietnam this week is said to be around $750-760 per ton. ton. However, some Malaysian galvanized sheet orders were placed at $760/t fob earlier this week.

I heard that Indian galvanized sheet prices in the Middle East are around $760 per ton FOB but buyers are not active in the market due to holidays in the region etc.

Domestic galvanized sheet prices rose from Rs 500-1,000 per ton ($8-$16 per ton) to Rs 34,000-35,000 per ton. ton ($750-$760 per ton) ex-factory within two weeks. An inside source told MetalExpert: “On the export side, Asian factories are focused on raising tile prices globally, so sellers are also raising prices domestically.”

CIS exporters are looking to raise galvanized sheet prices

CIS galvanized sheet exporters do not want to miss the opportunity to raise prices with the global upward trend. Some sources believe that buyers will remain cautious in accepting the increase in galvanized sheet prices for a period of time, but as the strength of the upward trend becomes stronger, it may lead to better market demand. In addition, the producers support the domestic market, which has also improved.

The price of Commonwealth of Independent States galvanized sheet rose by $20 per dollar in two weeks. In particular, galvanized sheet rose to $760/ton FOB Black Sea this week.

However, the contract price does not exceed $760 per tons FOB Black Sea. Earlier this week, Lebanese buyers bought a certain amount of Ukrainian galvanized sheet. However, with both Chinese and Turkish sellers charging higher prices due to a lack of cheaper alternatives, customers in the Middle East and Africa are likely to increase the price of the galvanized sheet by raising their prices.

In addition, there are only a few suppliers from the CIS countries on the market. One trader told MetalExpert: “There is currently a seasonal increase in demand for steel structures in Russia. I doubt there will be large exports from Russia in the short term.”

The prices of galvanized sheets in the CIS countries are around $740-$760 per tons FOB Black Sea; while galvanized sheets are offered at $750-$760 per tons FOB Black Sea. Business activity in Africa and Europe is expected to increase. A weaker dollar against the euro could help buy an interest in Europe. It is also important to note that DMKD galvanized sheet prices are expected to be available in Eastern Europe shortly after the resumption of production, which has had an extended shutdown period.

Oil-treated sheets are produced by a cold-rolling process and oiled to prevent rust. The fabric oil sheet has a beautiful appearance and high resistance, so it is widely used in construction, automobiles, household appliances, and other industries. Fabric tarpaulins are produced in different sizes and thicknesses according to international standards so that the optimal thickness can be chosen according to the application.

In addition, fabric tarps are available in regular, semi-stretched, and super-stretched models depending on the type of alloy used in their construction. The production method of oiled fabric sheets is directly related to their quality, in addition, high precision and finesse are required in the oiled parts of these products, as this work achieves many goals, such as reducing the rolling force, creating acceptable smoothness and reducing wear Follow rollers, etc.

Oil paper is usually produced and sold in roll or fabric form. The tarpaulin made in the form of fabric is cut by the manufacturer according to the standard size and has a certain size, so there is no break, bending, etc., it is completely smooth and uniform, and it can be used at any time.

The oily roll form does not have a certain length and is wrapped like a roll. With these explanations, consumers can cut according to their needs. Fabric sheets are more expensive than roll sheets because these types of sheets are cut to standard sizes by advanced machines in the factory and these sheets are free from defects in size and dimensions. To cut the oil sheet, special equipment must be used, such as air cutting machine, plasma machine, guillotine machine, etc.

In fact, sheets of oiled fabric of a certain length and width will not break when produced and sold, but rolled sheets have a certain width, not a specific length and consumers can cut them as desired, which is called a sheet in this industry. cut. Cutting the oil to the desired length is called roll-to-roll.

In general, the superiority of using fabric sheet or roll form is not possible because depending on the need and the type of application, the best model can be chosen. As mentioned above, the main difference between fabric sheets and rolls is their size, the difference is the length of the sheet.

If standard size fabric sheets are cut yourself at the factory, cut the sheets as needed. Rolled sheets are relatively inexpensive, so if the size is accurate, smooth, bent, etc., the sheet doesn’t matter. You can save money by using roll forms. Fabric sheets and rolls are usually produced in two widths of 100 and 125 cm, and their thicknesses vary from 0.3 to 3 mm.

Note that the superiority of fabric sheets in relation to roll sheets is entirely dependent on their application and it is impossible to define one as better since each of them has a specific function and the application is considered to be better and more efficient. Yes, you can buy tarpaulins from Iron Top.


galvanized steel sheet in India

The lack of stability in the global market, especially the price of the galvanized steel sheet in India, is one of the issues that has attracted the attention of traders in recent years. Given the impact of the galvanized sheet trade on the world economy, it is important to check prices globally.

Often trading and buying of iron are based on predictions. Statistics show that in the past two years, forecasts from well-known companies such as Thyssenkrupp have been close to 50% to 60% of reality. It should be noted that stock market investors buy and sell their shares based on forecasts of well-known companies.

The lack of stability in global prices can be attributed to changes in parameters affecting galvanized sheet prices and internal conditions in countries around the world. One of the main factors affecting the price of the galvanized sheet is the change in the exchange rate of the US dollar.

galvanized steel sheet in India

Galvanized sheet exporters such as Latin America and Brazil play a colorful role in determining global galvanized sheet prices. In January 2021, nearly 40,000 tons of the galvanized sheet were shipped from Brazil to Europe, and the transaction price was as high as $700 per ton.

India and other East Asian countries are among the largest importers of galvanized sheets. According to statistics, the import of galvanized sheets in India in the first two months of 2021 has been accompanied by unstable factors. China has cut demand by 30% in the first two months of 2021 due to instability.

Conditions caused by the COVID-19 outbreak in China and other countries in 2020 have brought galvanized sheet business to a standstill, resulting in a sharp drop in the price of this product in mid-2020.

In recent weeks, market conditions for the Turkish galvanized sheet trade have been poor, and despite the decrease in purchasing demand, the price of this product in the Turkish market has increased. Offers advertised to Turkish companies for the purchase of galvanized sheet range from $500 to $550 per tons FOB.

On the other hand, with the ongoing negotiations among stock market shareholders in Turkey and other East Asian countries, the prices of galvanized sheets in Latin America and Brazil are likely to fall sharply, as galvanized sheets are exported in large quantities to these countries.

Lira prices and the impact of Turkish galvanized sheet exports

As lira prices fell in December and November 2020, we saw weaker trade in iron and galvanized sheets in Turkey. A weakening of the value of any region’s currency is one of the factors that affect economic transactions. In the last month of last year, the price of the galvanized sheet also rose to some extent with the appreciation of the lira.

galvanized steel sheet in India

Global price increase of Chinese galvanized sheet

In 2021, China’s export of the galvanized sheet will be very strong and will be placed at the top of this product’s export. Given the economic slowdown in other countries, especially Asian countries in the Middle East, China is reluctant to sell its exported galvanized sheets at prices below $600/ton.

Well-known companies such as Benxi Iron and Steel announced buying the galvanized sheet from China at a price of US$580 per ton.

Plate prices based on the alloy used in this product are uploaded daily to the Iron Center website. The manufactured steel sheets are 304, 316, 430, strip steel, non-strip steel, and other models. The number in front of the steel plate indicates the amount of carbon used in the construction of the product in question. Steel sheets with lower carbon content have higher welding and forming capabilities and are more popular with customers.

The price of 304 stainless steel plates is shown in the table below. The price shown in this table is 1 kg of steel plate If the weight of the steel plate is desired, the weight of the 304 steel plate must be checked first, and then multiplied by the daily price. You can get the price of 304 steel plates based on our expert’s final invoice for value-added taxes. As 304 steel plate is widely used for the manufacture of many appliances, including sinks, first-class fixtures, plumbing, household and kitchen appliances, etc.

Update the price of 430 plates per kg for Iron Center users on the website, app, and Telegram. 430 stainless steel plate is one of the low carbon coating types.

These sheets are available in two forms, matte and glossy, each with a specific application. 430 Plate is imported from China, Taiwan, India, and Russia, and is available in plate and roll thicknesses from 3 to 50 mm and widths of 100, 125, and 150 cm. The application of this sheet can be used for decoration, the main structure of the gas stove, parts of the washing machine and dishwasher, etc.

galvanized steel sheet in India

The price of matte steel plate is checked according to the important and effective factors for the price and placed on the website for reference. When users plan to buy stainless steel plates of various alloys, they should know the price of 316 steel plates, the price of 304 steel plates, or other types of steel plates to better understand their cost information.

If you need more information to buy or inquire about the price of steel sheets, you can contact our specialists on our website.

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